How would you like to make some classic toys at home with your kids? Learn how to make three classic children's toys, a Jacob's Ladder, a dragon clapper and a puppet, in this free crafts video series. ...
Learn all about rock polishing from selection to preparation to polishing techniques in this free art and hobby video series. ...
This video tutorial provides step by step instruction on how to make a scare box. It's a simple wooden box with a creepy surprise inside. When someone opens it up, a spider or something else scary j ...
A half cab flip is a combination of a half cab and a flip. Knowledge of the back hand flip is helpful. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to half cab flip on a fingerboard. There's apparently ...
Anyone can blow bubbles with that soap formula and a bubble wand, but what about blowing bubbles rings underwater. It surprisingly, isn't too much different from blowing regular bubbles underwater. ...
This is a bare bones science experiment using only items that would be sitting around the average household. Set up, research, and clean up of this volcano experiment will take under five minutes. W ...
Vinegar and baking soda (and red food coloring if you're going all out) combine to make quite the little explosion. After you've made a little paper volcano, watch this video tutorial and learn how t ...
To perform a kick flip, you'll need to be able to ollie. Be careful not to spin too much, or you won't be kick flipping correctly. Learn how to perform a kick flip on a fingerboard tech deck by watc ...
Hate it when the slip 'n slide runs out? The ride is always too short. To make a really big slip 'n slide, you don't need a big hill, soap, oil or anything else weird. Just get three slip 'n slides ...
Your fingerboard is a temple, treat is as such by keeping it tuned. Know how to tune the trucks, change stock axles, replace or customize all parts. Watch this video fingerboarding tutorial and lea ...