This video shows the viewer how to make a 'flubber egg'. A flubber egg is essentially an egg which appears to be normal but is actually very rubbery and bouncy. This means that if dropped the egg will ...
Whenever you are bored this simple recipe can be used to create a quick and fun science experiment that all ages enjoy! The ingredients you need are a box of borax or cornstarch, a couple glasses of h ...
This video shows how you can make non-toxic play dough at home. The ingredients that you will need are flour, water, oil, cream of tartar, salt, food coloring, and peppermint essence oil if you want a ...
It is of course, non-toxic, and usable on just about anything, from counter tops to pots and pans. To make the basic scrub, you simply need baking soda, as well as essential oil for scent. The advan ...
This video demonstrates how to make your own play dough with simple ingredients – flour, salt, cream of tartar, cooking oil, water, and a few drops of food coloring. Whisk all the ingredients together ...
Anne, The Making Things Girl, demonstrates how to make play dough. Play dough is almost like clay in that you can bake it so it hardens. Then you can decorate it with things like paint, glitter and rh ...
In the video 8-year-old Emma makes the play dough. The ingredients needed for the play dough are flour, water, salt, oil, cream of tartar, and some food coloring to give it the color. She places all t ...
To make homemade play dough you first need to mix all of you ingredients together in a pan staring with two cups of flour and two cups of warm water. Next you add about one cup of salt, two table spoo ...
This video teaches the secret of making a cool perpetual spinner with a few little things and science. You will need: white paper, scissors, pen, pencil with eraser on its back, bell pin and a suitab ...
Learn how to make sparks with steel wool wire and a battery in simple steps. You will need thin steel wool, string wire, a battery with two terminals on top and scissors . First measure a meter of st ...