It is a rainy day and the children are bored. What can they do? Mom has a great idea, make play dough. You have all the ingredients in the house. Ingredients you will need: 2 cups flour 1 -cup ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to recycle a plastic bottle to make a toy bottle rocket. First, take a large plastic bottle and a sharp knife, then cut it in half. After this, take the side with the ca ...
In this tutorial we learn how to recycle plastic bottles to make a toy windmill. First, cut the bottle in half so you just have the cap end of it. Then, use the scissors to cut strips in the plastic, ...
In this video, we learn how to do an orbit at an orbit light show. The light should spin clockwise in one and and counter clockwise in the other. You must pay close attention to keep these spinning ba ...
It stretches, it squishes... it's silly putty! You can make your own toy putty at home, using a simple recipe of school glue (don't get the washable variety), borax, water and food dye to add a bit of ...
Start with a regular plastic toy gun, like a squirt gun or NERF gun. Then, spray paint it a matte black. Once it dries, take several different colors of rub'n'buff and apply with your fingers. Now, yo ...
The key to a good steampunk paint job is getting the distressted metallic look just right. This tutorial shows you how to add a lot of aesthetic appeal to your next steampunk prop mod, whether it's go ...
3-D is the next big thing for Hollywood, but 3-D glasses can sometimes be expensive. You can take a pair of sunglasses and turn them into your own 3-D glasses wtih just some packaging plastic, permane ...
Ransack your kitchen and grab some dish soap, vegetable oil, honey, food coloring, rubbing alcohol, tall glass, water and a spoon. Why? Because you're going to create a visually stunning display of la ...
Oobleck, a word coined from the Dr. Seuss book "Bartholomew and the Oobleck," has contemporarily come to define the substance created from mixing cornstarch and water. This mixture is notable for its ...